The story of a red plush dragon and his friends.

Red dragons are fab!

Monday, 31 May 2010

More about Red Dragon Land

We travelled a long way on the boat and then we could see Torchwood in the distance. It was very exciting. When we landed we took loads of pictures.

Uncclclele Kevin took photos of Moo everywhere that there's anything to do with Torchwood. He even tried standing on the invisible step that makes Captain Jack disappear but it must have been switched off because we could still see him!

After we went to Torchwood we went for a walk round Cardiff. There's a castle there and it has a really posh wall round it with all animals carved on the top. There were all sorts of animals like lions and bears and stuff and we met some monkeys as well.

After that we went to find a cafe because it was a hot day. Moo really likes Starbucks (though we prefer Costa) and we went and had an icy coffee to cool down.

Actually we had some really good food while we were away because there are lots of good places to eat in Cardiff. We weren't allowed to go to the posh place for Unclclecle Kevin's birthday but we got treated to pizza the day after. It was great because we were sat upstairs and we could watch the man in the kitchen making the pizzas.

And Mummy said we would do like we did when we went to N'York and we wouldn't have breakfast in the hotel but we'd go out to find something to eat and that was good because on the last day we found a pancake place and we had yummy pancakes with bacon and maple syrup. We like Red Dragon Land!

Saturday, 29 May 2010

We've been to Red Dragon Land

We have been to Red Dragon Land. It was because it was Unclclecle Kevin's birthday and Mummy took him to see the Torchwood places. We went to a big city called Cardiff and it's the capital of Red Dragon Land.

There are dragons all over the place so we felt really welcome. We've been to Red Dragon Land before but not to Cardiff. We even found Red Dragon FM radio. We follow them on Twitter!

Mummy took Unclclecle Kevin to a very posh restaurant and we weren't allowed to go because it was a special birthday treat but we stayed at the hotel watching a movie and she brought us some biscuits.

The next day we went for a walk and we found Captain Jack! Apparently he's working for the CIA now. At least I think that's what it meant. And he's using a new name but it was definitely his photo. And it wasn't far from Torchwood.

We went on a boat and sailed down the river until we found Torchwood. Unclclecle Kevin knew where it was.

They grew!

Just look at these! We planted these pumpkin seeds and followed the instructions on the packet and it said that they would grow but we didn't know they'd grow THIS fast! Moo calls them Pumpkinsteins.

Saturday, 22 May 2010

A local tradition

Round here they have a traditional thing called well dressing. It means that people make lovely pictures out of flowers and plants and seeds and stuff and then stand them by the well in their village. Unclecle Kevin said we could try doing one for the garden even though we don't have a well.

We wanted to make a simple design because this was our first attempt at a well dressing and clever Unclclcle Kevin said we could do the four elements because dragons breathe fire and that would be one corner. We did a big circle and drew in the four elements.

The flowers and stuff are held in place with clay and so we had to put some into a wooden box that would hold our well dressing. We had to make sure it was in right so the little guys stomped down hard on it to make it stick. It took three whole blocks of play dough.

Then we had to transfer our pattern to the clay so we put our design on top of it and took turns to prick holes through it so that it would be there when we took the paper away. It was a bit tricky and took ages to do it right.

After we did the pattern we started putting flowers and seeds and stuff into the clay. Me and Bamburgh did the fire corner and Moo did the water one because he wanted to put googly eyes on the fish. Bill did air because he likes fluffy clouds. We all shared earth because it was complicated.

When it was finished we all gathered round to celebrate. We haven't got a well but we put it close to the garden tap so Mummy can see it through the kitchen window.

Happy Teddy has a new home!

@EldritchDragon look the postman brought my lovely Happy Ted ... on Twitpic

Sometimes I draw pictures and I have decided to sell them through my Folksy shop and I drew Happy Teddy and he has gone to live with my friend Kolo Martin.

Kolo is very clever and he said that I should try making greetings cards so I am working on that now as well. When I have done them I will put them in the shop too. Do you think people will like having pictures of me on their cards or do you think I should stick with teddies?

Thank you for buying him Kolo. I hope you like him!

Friday, 21 May 2010

Mitch Monkey

We have a great friend who came to stay with us from Michigan in Merica. When he came Bamburgh couldn't say Michigan so he called our new friend Mitch and so we still call him that. His name is Mitch Monkey but he isn't a monkey he's an ape. He's an orange utang and he is really strong. When he first arrived he looked a bit sad because he had come a long way and he was missing his old family in Michigan. But we took him to places and gave him some presents and soon he cheered up.

One day we went out for fish and chips because Mitch said he had never had real English fish and chips before. Mummy gave him a scarf to wear and she cut off his labels so he would know that he was staying with us and couldn't be sent back.

Soon Mitch was smiling just like the rest of us!

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Planting pumpkins

Unclclcle Kevin bought us a present. It was a packet of seeds with some stuff to plant it in. They're pumpkin seeds. Unclclelcle Kevin says if they grow nicely we can turn them into lanterns at Hallo Ian. Mummy says we can eat them too. They make nice soup, she says and they go into lots of other things too.

We had to put water on the compost and wait for ages. It said we had to scrape the seeds with a nail file to help them grow.

And then we pushed the seeds into the compost and watered them in. We had to put the little pot into the bigger pot and put the lid on.

Then we had to find somewhere warm to put the pot until the shoots start to show. We don't know how long it will take so it had to be somewhere good and safe.

Mummy said we could put it on the windowsill in the kitchen with her chilli seeds because it's a warm and sunny spot and she will keep an eye on it for us and tell us when the shoots show.

Friday, 14 May 2010

Offline is no fun

Mummy's computer is broken and it's miserable for all of us. She wants to get online to do stuff and I have to wait to use it after she's finished but now we're both having to wait until Unclcecle Kevin's done and he's having problems with something called Seven.

It stole all his photos yesterday. Even ones of me. And he was unhappy. You could tell because it went really quiet except for the noise of his hands on the keyboard and a lot of sharp breathing. It was a bit like when the cat pukes on the carpet. Except for the keyboard bit.

Mummy has a PC that's locked away in the room upstairs but it's behind a lot of stuff and Maisie cat uses the desk chair so you have to sit on the floor and then it's really difficult to use the mouse and see the screen.

I miss being online. (Don't tell anyone how I managed to get this done.....)

Sunday, 9 May 2010

I am a hontrapannuer

You might not know but I do some art and I have been doing portraits of some of our teddy bear friends lately so Mummy said that people might like to see them and maybe even buy them. So I have been very brave and I have set up a shop.

I really hope that some people will like my things enough to buy them. I'm very nervous. I've only ever drawn things for friends before.

Saturday, 8 May 2010


Last night Mummy invited her friend Mister James over for dinner. We like Mister James because he is funny. We talk to him on Twitter too. Well he said that he had pressies for us. We weren't expecting anything. It's not our birthday till next month so we couldn't think what it was for. What on earth could it be?

When he arrived we were specially nice to him and we were REALLY patient all the way through dinner even though we were dying to know what we were going to get. Then he said he had our surprise for us.

He held out his hands and said that we had one pressie each but we could swap if we liked. Then he opened his hands and we saw some lovely rolled-up knitting. Mister James likes knitting and we know he has made lots of hats and socks for people before.

It was two really great scarves. They were fantastic colours. Bamburgh's was a plain colour but it had a good pattern knitted into it. It was a lovely soft wool and it fitted him perfectly and it went really well with his jumper. And mine was long and stripey and soft and it'll go with LOTS of my clothes.

Thank you Mister James. They are really good!

Friday, 7 May 2010

Barry Berry arrives

I have a wonderful pet called Aubrey Strawbree. He's a sock bunny and came from Widget's warren. Well a little while ago Unclceclecle Kevin said that everyone here has a little brother (except Mummy - but she's got us) and it wasn't fair that Aubrey didn't have a bunny brother of his own.

So Mummy got in touch with Widget's Bunnymaker and we have adopted Barry Berry. You can see he's one of Aubrey's family because he has strawbrees too.

Barry arrived in a parcel that was addressed to me and it was really exciting. Everyone gathered round to see what it was and Aubrey said he recognised the writing on it because it was the Bunnymaker's.

When we opened up the top Aubrey was so excited that he almost fell in. But Barry was safe and wrapped up well in his tissue travelling kit and the Bunnymaker had given him a carrot to eat on the journey so he wasn't too hungry.

I think Aubrey and Barry are going to be really happy together.


I have a pet sheep. He's called Baa. He sort of wandered in one day and sat next to us on the back of the sofa and I asked Mummy if he could stay and she said yes and we've had him ever since. He likes flowers and eats fruit and he comes on holiday with us sometimes.

Hello World!

For those of you who don't know me I'm Eldritch the Dragon. I'm a red plush dragon and I live with my brother Bamburgh, Mummy, Unclcclecle Kevin, Moo, Morris, Bill and loads of other people.

We travel round a bit and see loads of great things and do all sorts of interesting stuff except when Mummy makes us do history and I take photos to put on Flickr and I paint and draw and I've just started writing about it so that's why I have a blog.

I hope that I can meet lots of exciting people online here. I already know some people and I'll probably introduce you to them as I get settled in. But I just thought I'd say Hello for now.
