The story of a red plush dragon and his friends.

Red dragons are fab!

Sunday 18 July 2010

They grew

A while ago we planted some pumpkin seeds that Unclclecle Kevin bought us and they got a bit bigger and we put them into pots and put them outside but then they got bigger and mummy said we had to plant them out in the garden. So we have. They've grown a bit since we first did them.


  1. Oh Pumpkins I luv dem dey is so pruddy an Yummie !!!Is dat U i C N da pumpkin patch ???

  2. WOW! I was wondering how your pumpkins were doing - excellent is that answer!! Well done Guys!

  3. Wow indeed. What are you going to do with the pumpkin when it's fully grown?

  4. We shall make a very big pumpkin lantern.
