The story of a red plush dragon and his friends.

Red dragons are fab!

Monday, 31 October 2011

Happy Halloian Samhain

We are having Hallo Ian party because it is Samhain. We are all dressed up as scary things.

I am a zombie and Dexter is a mummy and Moo has a scary pumpkin head mask on. It glows in the dark.

Dewi is a pumpkin and Morris has a ghostie costume with Boo on the front. They've claimed the chocolate pumpkins too.

Bamburgh is a zombie and Bill has a spidery headdress on as well as having his ratty Squeak on his shoulder.

Here's a closeup of Moo's mask for you. And can you see my spare ghostie head on my shoulder?

Happy Hallow Ian and Samhain to everybody!


  1. Happy Halloween! Your costumes are cool!

  2. Your costumes are great! Wish you a wonderful spooky time :-)

  3. Woah! You guys scared me! Happy Hallo Ian and Samhain :)
